Kingdom Diversity
HPCA is captured by God’s vision to redeem a people for Himself from every tongue, tribe and nation (Rev. 7: 9-12). We believe that God created every human being in His image (Gen. 1:27). Therefore, believers are called to love and treat every image bearer of God with dignity and respect. This is summarized in Jesus’ words from Matthew 22, to love God and to love your neighbor.
However, the human heart is flawed and sinful. Therefore, our only solution to faithfully fulfill this command is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An emphasis on accepting Jesus Christ as Lord, coupled with the command of Matthew 22 and the vision of Revelation 7 will help our students and community to realize and embrace the individual differences God has created in each person - gender (male and female), race, age and ability, culture, and economic status.
Biblical Unity, Diversity, and Social Engagement
ACSI has provided all ACSI schools with a toolkit that includes an outline of five principles of Biblical Unity, Diversity, and Social Engagement. Click here to preview ACSI Core Convictions and Commitments According to Biblical Worldview Truths.
What is the ultimate goal for ACSI? The pursuit of unity in the body of Christ has as its ultimate goal the glorification of God by foreshadowing the permanent establishment of His kingdom, which is characterized by justice and love (shalom) and enjoyed by diverse peoples redeemed from every tongue, tribe, and nation (Isa. 61; Luke 4).