Click here to view all upcoming Back-to-School Events and Information!
HPCA Night at the Rockers Game
Date: Saturday, July 20
Game Start Time: 6:35 p.m.
Click here to purchase your tickets.
Online tickets through HPCA must be purchased by Tuesday, July 16.
Make sure to arrive early to cheer on our new Head of School, Mr. Jeremy Blackstock throw out the first pitch and hear members from our Fine Arts Department perform the National Anthem!
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Jenn Lambert at jlambert@hpcacougars.org.
Go Cougars!
Strive 2025
Watch the State of the School Video Message
The HPCA Administration and Board rolled out the Strive 2025 plan this fall to our school community. Through dependence on God, and the prayerful commitment of our school community, we look forward to the implementation of the Strive 2025 components.
Kingdom Education Commitment that leads to life-long Christ-centeredness
Curriculum, Technology, and Instruction that leads to academic excellence
Facility Development to provide a quality on-campus experience for our community
Financial Resilience to provide long-term successful operations
Strive 2025 Booklet
We are High Point Christian Academy, and we are your partner in the greatest calling you have been given: parenting your child. Parents have the privilege - and the responsibility - of leading their children into a new identity with Christ, building them up in Christ according to their abilities given by Christ, and equipping them to live a life characterized by love, trust and obedience to Christ.
We love watching our preschool and elementary students and families participate in our varsity level sporting events! Click here for a snapshot of this year's Preschool/Elementary Night Under the Lights!
Click here for a glimpse of this special chapel service for our middle and high school students!
Tk - 2nd Grade Field Day
Click here to see the wonderful memories made at the HPCA TK - 2nd Grade Field Day! #hpcacougars #somuchfun
We love hearing what our HPCA Alumni are doing!
Ally Powell, HPCA c/o 2019 is majoring in Communications with a focus in Electronic/Digital Media, specifically Sports Broadcasting at App State.
For sports coverage segments, Ally has one week to pitch a topic and get it approved by the producers and professor, conduct and record interviews (via Zoom currently), shoot her own video footage for the intro and closing of her segment, write the script, find "B-roll" video footage to run during her voiceovers, and build/ edit/submit the segment in the special software on her laptop.
Here is the segment Ally won Associated Collegiate Press honorable mention! https://drive.google.com/.../1cmL4Ki6Vjwvsu7BGcmMCF7.../view
Ally is diligently and passionately learning career opportunities in this field. Ally is also heavily involved in CRU at App State, which has been instrumental for her to share her testimony with others. #hpcacougars #hpcaalumni
HPCA Senior Honored
HPCA senior, Mylee Quattlebaum, was honored as an Alexander Martin Chapter DAR Good Citizen. Mylee wrote and recited an essay about the qualities of a good citizen: leadership, dependability, service, and patriotism.