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High School

We have an outstanding high school program that is committed to working in partnership with our families to provide a foundational experience for each student to excel in academics taught from a Biblical worldview. We have had 19 graduating classes with over 1,000 graduates. The class of 2024 earned over $6.9 million in academic and athletic scholarships.

Our mission since the formation of our school remains unchanged. We endeavor to serve our community with excellence in Kingdom Education. Our mission statement summarizes our focus, “High Point Christian Academy is committed to Christ-centered, quality education and academic excellence in partnership with family and church within a loving, caring atmosphere.”

Our academic program is excellent. All of our high school teachers are committed Christians and qualified professionals creating a dynamic learning environment within their subject areas. We offer three different levels of courses – College Prep, Honors, and Advanced Placement (AP). All three levels of courses are designed to prepare our students for the academic rigor of college.  

Not only do our teachers provide outstanding instruction, they display a love for students and understand the importance of building lasting relationships!  We also have a robust Fine Arts Department and a comprehensive athletic department with teams that win and compete for state championships regularly.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment courses allow students to earn college credit and high school credit simultaneously.  

  • Dual enrollment courses may count as elective credit toward graduation requirements, but may not replace HPCA required English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Bible, Fine Arts, or Health/PE courses. The exception to this is English IV Honors dual enrollment partnership with the College at Southeastern (option 2 listed below).
  • If a course is offered at HPCA, to obtain high school credit, students are required to take it at HPCA (pending no scheduling conflicts).
  • Seniors must take a minimum of six HPCA courses per year and Juniors must take a minimum of seven HPCA courses per year. 
  • 3-credit college courses will be listed on the student's high school transcript as one high school credit. 
  • Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, dual enrollment courses will be included in a student's unweighted GPA calculation. 
  • If a student enrolls in a Dual Enrollment course, their final grade will be included on their high school transcript.  
  • Upon high school graduation, students are responsible for requesting official college transcripts to be sent from the college where dual enrollment credit was earned to the college where they enroll to ensure credit transfer.

At HPCA, there are three options for students to pursue dual enrollment

Career and College Promise (CCP) (Non-Christian based)
Career and College Promise is a program that allows high school juniors and seniors in North Carolina to earn college credit through local community colleges, such as Guilford Technical Community College. Credits are tuition-free and transferrable to UNC System institutions with a final grade of a C or higher (as well as many of North Carolina's Independent Colleges and Universities). Many HPCA students take CCP dual enrollment courses online during a Study Hall period. These are semester-long courses. Students should expect 4-6 hours per week of work outside of class time for each 3-credit course. Although these courses are tuition-free, families are still required to pay for textbooks and fees.

Students apply and register for these courses primarily on their own, with the support of the HPCA College and Career Counselor and the CCP Student Advisors. Students must have a minimum of a 2.8 unweighted GPA or meet certain test score requirements. Students must also meet course prerequisites set forth by the community college.

**HPCA does not necessarily agree with the content that will be taught in community college dual enrollment courses. These courses may not be taught from a Christian worldview.**

Resource Links:
Career and College Promise at GTCC
North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement

The College at Southeastern partnership with HPCA (Christian)
Students who take English IV Honors at HPCA and earn a final grade of a B or higher can earn college credit through the dual enrollment partnership with The College at Southeastern. Students will need to complete an online application through The College at Southeastern and pay the tuition fee of $245. After course completion, students will receive official credit for ENG 2110 Survey of British Literature from The College at Southeastern granting 3 hours of college credit. The College at Southeastern is accredited by SACSCOC (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges), the same body that accredits UNC system schools. Students and parents are encouraged to look at transfer equivalency guides for colleges they are interested in attending to determine exactly how these credits will transfer.

Other Dual Enrollment Options through Christian Colleges and Universities
There are many options for high school students to take online dual enrollment courses through institutions such as Liberty University, California Baptist University, Regent University, Dallas Baptist University, Grand Canyon University, and Southern Wesleyan University. Colleges and Universities may offer reduced tuition rates for dually enrolled high school students, but the registration and payment process is the responsibility of the student and family. Students must also meet prerequisites set forth by the college or university. Students and parents are encouraged to look at transfer equivalency guides for colleges they are interested in attending to determine exactly how these credits will transfer. To participate in this dual enrollment option and ensure these credits are recognized on the high school transcript, students must complete a Dual Enrollment Course Approval Form through the HPCA College and Career Counselor. 


Online Bible Classes

Online Bible Classes
1. Sophomores-Seniors only (must have passed English I)
2. Students must get approval from Mr. Bingham prior to taking the course.
Contact Information:
Mr. Justin Bingham, HPCA High School Bible Teacher

C. S. Lewis Online (year-long)
He is regarded as among the greatest of Christian intellectuals in the past hundred years. This class will introduce students to the person and work of C. S. Lewis in the survey. Students will study Lewis’ life, become familiar with the theme and scope of Lewis’s major works, and read in detail four major works of Lewis as well as shorter essays covering a variety of topics. The goal is to become familiar with the works of Lewis, but also to develop an enjoyment of Lewis’s writings as a student.

Survey of Theology (year-long)
A proper understanding of theology is helpful to understand the entire message of the Bible. Where Bible survey classes employ a biblical theological method – touching on topics as they arise in the text – this class will focus on a systematic approach to theology: discussing theology topic by topic, pulling from all of Scripture to bolster theological points. The scope is to cover basic topics of orthodox theology that all Christians share in common, exploration and discussion of topics where Christians differ for the purpose of encouraging conversation and ecumenism.

Mere Christianity (semester)
He is regarded as among the greatest of Christian intellectuals in the past hundred years. This class will introduce students to the person and major themes of C. S. Lewis. Students will study Lewis’ life and read in detail Lewis’ major work, Mere Christianity. The goal is to become familiar with the themes of Lewis, but also to develop an enjoyment of Lewis’s writings as a student. The specific focus on Mere Christianity will help a student to understand the work in depth as well as get a feel for Lewis’ style of conversational apologetics.

The Trinity (semester)
A proper understanding of theology is helpful to understand the entire message of the Bible. Where most biblical survey classes employ a biblical theological method – touching on topics as they arise in the text – this class will focus on a systematic approach to theology: discussing theology topic by topic, pulling from all of Scripture to bolster theological points. The scope is to cover basic topics of orthodox theology that all Christians share in common with regards to the theological topics of Trinity, Theology proper, Christology, and Pneumatology.

The Gospel of John (semester)
Learning to study God’s Word in-depth is a skill worthy of any Christian. This course on the Gospel of John will train students concerning the value of reading through the text several times, noting specific themes important to the author, and getting a feel for understanding the original author and original audience. Students will also focus on specific study skills useful for the study of any biblical text. The primary concept to be discussed in the Gospel of John is how the author attempts to communicate what true discipleship looks like and the fallout of the choice to accept or reject Christ.

Exploring the Evidence for the Resurrection (year-long)
If Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 15 are true, then the reality of the resurrection is the hinge upon which the Christian life turns – if Christ is not resurrected, then our faith is futile, we are still in our sins, those who follow Christ are lost, and Christians are to be pitied more than all men. If the historical fact of the resurrection is true, then it is a worthy topic of study for Christians, a worthy teaching to learn to defend, and a worthy lifestyle to live out. This course will examine the theological, historical, and practical elements of what the Bible, logic, and history reveal about the resurrection, in order to better help the student understand the importance of the resurrection in the daily life of a Christian.

College and Career Counseling
High School Handbook 

High School Dress Code
HPCA Chromebook Handbook
A/B Day Schedule
Yearbook Website Link
Mr. Willie Guida
High School Principal
BS California State University
MS California Baptist University
Mrs. Kelly Walker
High School Assistant Principal
BA - Special Education K - 12; Elementary Ed K-6 - Western Governors University
ME - Teaching and Learning Special Education - Liberty University
EdS - Educational Leadership  - Liberty University
HPCA Open House