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HPCA TK-8th Grade Resource Program
High Point Christian Academy offers student academic support  through our resource department.  Our resource team partners with classroom teachers and parents to provide academic support and remediation to students who have difficulty in the curriculum. Students may or may not have a diagnosed issue that affects academic performance. Our goal is to remediate, empower and promote success by building organization and study skills.
Services provided by the HPCA  Resource Team:
  • Student observations
  • Review of work
  • Recommendations
  • Monitoring of student progress
  • Consultations with classroom teacher
  • Accommodations as needed for success
  • Facilitate the collection of data for physicians and/or psychologists
Elementary Resource
  • Students work individually or in a small group of four or fewer
  • Remediation will be done in assessed areas of weakness
  • Academic support provided to facilitate greater classroom success
  • Students who need intense direct reading instruction receive instruction to build foundational reading skills using the Hill Reading Center HillRAP program and SRA Correcive Reading. These researched based programs are designed to meet the needs of students in the areas of phonemic awareness, word attack, fluency, and reading comprehension. 
Middle School Resource
  • Resource replaces regular study hall period
  • Support provided in small groups of 4 or fewer students
  • Student areas of weaknesses are  targeted in small group tutorial sessions
  • Students receive support completing/editing papers, reviewing assignments, making corrections, and studying for tests.
Accommodations will be provided as needed.  
** End of Year Iowa Standardized test accommodations will be provided to students with diagnosis who demonstrate the need and use accommodations throughout the school year.
High School Resource Class

Students facing academic challenges are given the opportunity to receive additional help, at no extra cost, through a class called Study Lab.  The teacher works with these students individually in small groups to help them in their core classes.  They are taught many skills that they will need throughout high school and beyond.

These skills include:
organizational skills
how to set goals
how to be an advocate for themselves
how to study for quizzes and tests
how to manage their time
receiving support on completing/editing papers, reviewing assignments, making corrections, and studying for test

Accommodations will be provided as needed.

** Standardized test accommodations will be provided to students with a diagnosis who demonstrate the need and use accommodation throughout the school year.

On-Site Speech-Language Therapy
Screenings and evaluations are available per parent and or teacher request. Speech-language therapy is scheduled and provided by Speech Language Therapist, Rebecca Setzer.
Click here to learn more about Mrs. Setzer
Speech-language therapy is conducted during the school day.
Fees: Screening  $25.00, includes the following:
  • Hearing
  • Articulation
  • Voice
  • Language

Full Evaluation $100.00 as needed based on screening results and what evaluations are needed. Therapy sessions $40.00 (half-hour session) 

Mrs. Lisa Jones
TK - 8th Grade Resource Director
Appalachian State Univ
M.Ed. Elon University
Mrs. Angela Norris
High School Resource Coordinator
M.Ed UNC-Charlotte
HPCA Open House